About Us

who we are


I grew up in a carpentering family, and from a young age I was building furniture with my father and my brothers. I built my first house with my dad at the age of 15. Having mastered this skill, I went off to college and completed my business degree, following the path of Corporate America for 10 years, and kept working in carpentry on the side as it was my passion. When the global pandemic hit, I was thrown into a re-evaluation of the world we live in, much like everyone else, and realized that I could turn my passion into a full time career. I recognized that my community needed someone that truly cares about their needs, and as Kondor Carpentry, I would be able to give each house the care, attention, and skill that it deserves, not only as a carpenter, but as a member of your community who knows exactly what it takes to make our neighborhoods more functional and fitting for you and your family.

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